Turn your book into a professional, high-quality audiobook with just a few clicks.
No need to invest in expensive voice actors or studios. Get a finished audio file (MP3) at a fraction of the cost.
Produce a full audiobook in hours instead of weeks. With AI narration, you’re in control of your schedule.
Personalize your book’s intro or tailor the voice style. Our intuitive tools make it easy to make the audiobook you want.
Sign up with Audiobook Genie and upload your manuscript.
Customize the narration style, intro message, and pacing.
Download your finished MP3s—by chapter or as a complete set.
Creating a professional audiobook has never been easier or more affordable. At Audiobook Genie, we believe in simplicity and transparency. That’s why we offer a straightforward, $199 flat fee. No hidden charges, no surprises—just everything you need to turn your manuscript into a polished audiobook.
Everything you need to create a professional audiobook, all included in one simple price!